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4 Reasons to Sell During the Holidays

Welcome back! The holiday season is here and every year we get asked whether it’s best to sell during the holidays or wait until spring. You might be surprised to find out that selling during the holidays actually puts you at a huge advantage.

  1. There is less competition – During the winter and holiday months, fewer people put their home on the market, making your home more valuable.
  2. Buyers are more serious – If buyers are taking the time out of their busy holiday celebrations, you know they are ready to buy. So while you may have less showings, the ones you do have will be quality. 
  3. You don’t have to move during the holidays – You might be thinking selling now means packing up and moving Christmas day. The truth is banks are slower and the closing process takes longer – about 45-60 days. That means you won’t have to move until January!
  4. Homes look better – Who doesn’t love holiday decorations and lights and the smell of holiday cooking? Buyers become emotional seeing your home look so perfectly.

These are four great reasons why you should consider selling your home now. If you have any questions, please give us a call at 912.272.3463

Happy Holidays!

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